Case Study B

Working with Leitrim County Council, An Garda Siochana, Carrick Community CCTV Ltd. and Carrick Chamber of Commerce, in late 2018 J&N Security Consultants created a system design for a Town Centre CCTV System in Carrick on Shannon which met the operational requirements of all stakeholders.
The overall solution saw a total of 33 cameras installed throughout the town centre and selected outlying areas of the town with all cameras being connected via a wireless transmission system to server installed at Leitrim County Council offices in Carrick on Shannon and with a wireless back-link to Carrick on Shannon Garda Station.
J&N Security Consultants managed the tender process for Leitrim County Council, undertook all contractor site visits and provided a tender evaluation report following submission of tenders. Following award of contract, J&N Security Consultants project managed the installation process to sign off and handover on behalf of the stakeholders.
Phase 2 of this project commenced in December 2020 and working on the system design is ongoing at present.

Client: Leitrim County Council and Carrick Community CCTV ltd.
Project: Town Centre CCTV system for Carrick On Shannon
Requirements: To design and deliver a CCTV system for Carrick on Shannon Town Centre